The Recruitment Process

Oakdale Consulting adapts a customizable approach to recruiting and retaining talent. Today the job requirements keep changing with technology and people change their needs overtime. To keep up with these changes, Oakdale Consulting attracts and recruits people in new ways that are in sync with the realities of today’s workforce and the needs of your organization. Our recruitment process manages talent acquisition enabling your organization to focus on core business activities. Here is our process: 

  1. Brief Intake Meeting: Our team discusses and consults with your organization to develop a thorough job description as well as to understand the preferred education, experience and personal characteristics required for the role. The competitive challenges are also discussed during these meetings. 

  2. Talent Research: Our team researches to fully appreciate market needs and the type of skills needed to be successful at a specific job. 

  3. Organization Goals: The next step is to understand the needs of your organization, the role and responsibilities and the significance that this role plays in achieving the overall goals of your organization. Our team takes a personal approach to understanding your organization’s unique requirements. 

  4. Sourcing Passive Candidates: Our team crafts the message for the ad and posts it on reputed platforms such as Indeed and LinkedIn to attract the right talent. Alternatively, our team directly sources passive candidates on platforms such as LinkedIn and Indeed by connecting with them and presenting the opportunity. 

  5. Screening and Evaluation of Candidates: Based on our understanding of the role and position profile guidelines, our goal is to identify and remove biases in sourcing, screening, and shortlisting suitable candidates. This is achieved by screening resumes, conducting preliminary interviews, and discussing compensation expectations such as conditions, proposed start date, remuneration and vacation requirements. 

  6. Qualified Candidate Shortlist: Through our comprehensive screening and evaluation process, our team identifies 3 to 5 candidates from the application pool that best meet the required and desired criteria to perform the expected job responsibilities.  

  7. Background Check: Our team completes a background check for all shortlisted candidates. The results are documented and provided to your organization. 

  8. Final Interview: Our team can support your organization with the final round of interviews, question preparation and offer an outside perspective by attending the interview with your hiring manager. 

  9. Employment Offer and Onboarding: Our team helps prepare the employment letter, present it to the selected candidates and encourage them to finalize their decision. The employment offer letter makes it completely clear what the position offers. It also complies with employment laws and legal requirements. Once the candidate has signed the offer letter, we make onboarding engaging and memorable by introducing the new hire to their position, responsibilities and your organization’s policies, process, culture and unique work environment. 

  10. Retention and Candidate Follow-up: To ensure employee retention, our team follows up with your organization and the new hire to determine the level of employee engagement.